“Blockchain technology [has] captured the imaginations of startups, financial institutions and government agencies. Angela Angelovska-Wilson and Lewis Cohen are taking a gamble that the law is next.”
So begins an article by Jason Tashea entitled “New firm looks to embrace blockchain technology ethos” that was published recently on the ABA Journal website. Tashea goes on to explain that Angelofska-Wilson and Cohen have launched their new firm, DLx Law, out of their conviction that no matter how it evolves, blockchain (aka distributed ledger) technology “is going to force fundamental changes in financial and regulatory systems.”
Although Angelovska-Wilson and Cohen – both experienced lawyers – are not exactly sure how blockchain technology will evolve, the article says that they have designed their small firm in a way that they hope will be able to address whatever forms the technology takes in future – and whatever legal issues it engenders.
We have talked about the potential impact of blockchain on the law for a year or two at this point. The establishment of DLx Law – and similar niche firms that are sure to follow – is evidence that the impacts of blockchain technology on our profession are not just hypothetical any more.
What are your thoughts on this subject? I welcome your feedback on this or any other matter related to the law, either in the comments below or directly via email.