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To win, your firm needs “peak performance” from all your people, which, in turn, requires that they be motivated and receive constructive coaching.


In my experience, working with hundreds of firms globally, there is a common propensity for people to react negatively to even well-intentioned feedback.  The person receiving the feedback often experiences the following thoughts about the person giving the feedback:

  • hasn’t taken the time to thoroughly investigate my role and my work so the feedback does not fit and is unhelpful
  • overlooks the obstacles that the firm puts in my way, whether intended or not
  • overlooks that I frequently go the extra mile usually without any acknowledgment or thanks.
  • Candidly, some feel that feedback like this is annoying and demotivating and just makes people want to avoid the person who gave it to them, and at worst, may start looking for a different employer who will appreciate them more.


A few days ago, the Harvard Business Review published this well-crafted article, which may very well be a useful resource in training your people to receive feedback with greater resilience.


“When You Think You’re Doing Good Work – But Others Don’t”

Five steps to take when you learn that others’ perceptions don’t match up with your own. by award-winning author Marlo Lyons.


I suggest you consider sharing the article with those to whom you will be giving feedback. You can use it as a catalyst for having a training discussion.

Those who will be giving the feedback also need training and I intend to share this article with them as well as a way to sensitize them to the challenge of giving feedback while avoiding an unintended reaction.

As always, I’m interested in your comments and would be happy to discuss and compare experiences. Please feel free to email me.

Gerry Riskin