To win, your firm needs “peak performance” from all your people, which, in turn, requires that they be motivated and receive constructive coaching.


In my experience, working with hundreds of firms globally, there is a common propensity for people to react negatively to even well-intentioned feedback.  The person receiving the feedback often experiences

Dr. Mark Goulston is an eminent psychiatrist who for 35 years dedicated his practice to preventing suicide. In all of those years, he did not lose one patient to the outcome he worked so hard to prevent.

In addition, Mark trained hostage negotiators for the FBI and is the author of a number of bestselling

Five Things Lawyers Hate to Hear Clients Say

By Gerry Riskin

Do some things your clients say leave you speechless? Gerry Riskin has advice on how to respond in a way that helps build stronger lawyer-client relationships.

In situations involving you and your client, the adversarial system is your worst enemy. The only win is

How Should Senior In-House Counsel Respond to Uncontrolled Social Media Postings:

One of my Edge International colleagues, Jonathan Middleburgh, who is both an organizational psychologist and a barrister, is publishing a newsletter on Substack for general counsel.  (You may remember him as the individual in our team who was responsible for the Edge International global

At Peter Diamandis’s website, he doesn’t even mention that he’s a Harvard medical graduate and an MIT physicist… Perhaps these pale in comparison with his other accomplishments you can see here.

Lawyers with whom I work, whether members of a leadership teams in a global firm or simply building their books of business almost