I am pleased to present you with the latest Edge International Review.
The focus of this issue of EIR is on law-firm growth and expansion, particularly in the international arena. Examination of this topic is timely, as we anticipate that the legal market generally is now entering another year of hectic consolidation activity on both sides of the Atlantic.
In this issue, my partners explore various growth alternatives that are available outside of the traditional merger model, including the Swiss Verein or "association," global alliances, non-merger initiatives and various expansion strategies.
In addition to the editorial overview, I have contributed an article that offers specific guidance and encouragement to those who find themselves facing the need to cross-sell internally in a non-profit-sharing, multi-office setting, such as a Swiss Verein.
I believe you will find this entire issue interesting and relevant. I would be happy to discuss with you the implications of alternative growth strategies on your firm.
Your comments are – as always – most welcome.
Download Edge International Review, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall, 2012, here.