Gerry Riskin Amazing FirmsAn article entitled “10 Simple Productivity Tips for Organizing your Work Life” by David Lavenda, published appropriately early in the new year by Entrepreneur, offers ten tips on improving your work-life productivity.

Lavenda points out that all of us have too many things demanding our time and attention, and we need to establish protocols, habits and mindsets that will assist us in using our resources effectively. Although acting on any of Lavenda’s tips is likely to bring positive results, one struck me as particularly useful because most of us rarely think about it: “6. Consolidate the number of places you need to go for information.

Lavenda points out that it is not only over physical space that we need to gain control in order to work effectively, but also over virtual space. Most of us consult with many apps and platforms during a typical day – from email to databases to social media utilities to our calendars. He suggests that we “Make notifications from each application appear in one place” – using an SMS reader or email subscriptions, for example. This will help us to avoid touring around from one app to another throughout the day, often becoming increasingly distracted as we go.

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