Resolve not to be caught unaware of evolving technology and process innovations applicable to your legal practice. To that end, have a small internal team conduct ongoing research and report to firm leadership monthly. The research should include legal solutions provided by organizations that are neither law firms nor legal departments. The reports will be brief and intended to ensure your firm is never caught by surprise nor made to look ignorant if a client broaches specific solutions you could be deploying to their benefit. Firm leadership can decide how to keep all lawyers informed. This is not an idea but rather an action plan and should be treated as such. It is okay to sail into iceberg-infested waters as long as at least one sailor is in the crow’s-nest. – Gerry Riskin
I was pleased to be one of more than twenty “experts, lawyers and professionals who work with lawyers” who were invited by AttorneyatWork to respond to the question, “What is the single resolution you recommend for practicing lawyers in 2017?” The responses were published in an AttorneyatWork post entitled “Be It Resolved: Make the New Year Your Year,” published on December 30, 2016.
“CLICK HERE” TO GET THE DOWNLOADABLE PDF: 22 excellent resolutions in a graphically beautiful format (available for a limited time) that cover a range of topics, (e.g., “Know Your Brand,” “Invest in Your Team,” “Learn to Say No”), each with a brief explanatory note – many of which you can put to work immediately.
In the meantime, let me know your thoughts on this and any other matter related to the law, either in the comments section below or directly via email.