There are some surprising statistics in the video I am posting here. Have you considered, for example, that “Today’s college students have never licked a stamp”? Did you know that “The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is grandparents”?
Like much other information on the Internet, “Socialnomics 2017” – a 2.5 minute video by digital guru Erik Qualman – offers an intriguing few minutes of diversion. It also provides the latest statistics on the world’s population (more than 50% of people alive today are under 30), our buying habits (93% of buying decisions are influenced by social media), and what technology is doing to human attention spans (it now averages about seven seconds, Qualman says).
Perhaps more importantly, however, after watching the video those involved in professions such as the law that have traditionally depended on “word of mouth” for referrals may find themselves asking, “Can we afford any longer NOT to be involved in social media?”
I don’t think we can.
Let me know your thoughts on this or any other matter related to the law, either in the comments section below or directly via email.