Deneys Reitz is a top South African law firm that thinks as much about others as it does about itself. I had the privilege of helping this great firm through a retreat last weekend at The Castle Kyalami near Johannesburg. Deneys Reitz has gained strength in numbers and in practices under the leadership of its very able Chairman, Michael Hart. The business program was his brainchild as the issues before the firm were discussed by randomly selected break out groups from across the firm’s offices in South Africa. Facilitators gave punchy 4 minute reports that the firm could then discuss in the plenary.
Michael Hart After capably exploring options for the future, but before concluding the retreat, the firm made time to hear from one of its own, Director, Patrick Bracher, who explored with his fellow Directors how the firm might breathe more life and focus into its social responsibility to its communities. He proposed increasing the firm’s already sizable charitable contributions and the exploration of special charitable projects that Deneys Reitz could use its considerable talents to coordinate thereby involving others and dramatically leveraging the impact of its philanthropy.
Patrick Bracher I was moved to see that this firm made time on its already busy agenda (and even delayed its concluding time on day two), not for itself, but for others
others who may ultimately be beneficiaries of the firm’s generosity but who likely will never know about the depth of effort behind it. All I want to say about it is: “Bravo, Deneys Reitz”.