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What do Bear Stearns and Enron have in common?
The Services Safari Blog posted this yesterday:
Calling all Lawyers… The Bear Stearns Collapse
The following is an excerpt:
Shareholder litigants are going to be talking about this one tonight and tomorrow. Let’s recap the fall of Bear Stearns stock price and market value the last year:
Stock price last year: $159/share – market cap:
“economically-irrational” associate salaries hit ceiling
The Wall Street Journal has a post called: Big-Law Associates Facing 2008 Salary Cap by Dan Slater.
Here is a key paragraph from that post from which my title was derived:
"We called around to firms to find out whether associate salaries, called economically-irrational in some quarters, have finally (or, at least, for now) hit
Recession-Proof your Law Firm
The worst market crisis in 60 years: "recession or worse"? Says who? The 80th richest man in the world, George Soros, (estimated net worth of 8.5 Billion according to Forbes). Is Mr. Soros toying with the "D" word: "Depression" when he says "recession or worse"?
I recommend that you read the entire Financial Times…