Cameron McKenna.jpg RollOnFriday is making fun of London based law firm CMS Cameron McKenna but do they deserve it – you be the judge. CMS Cameron McKenna is no slouch. According to their web site, they:

* are the primary counsel to 20 of the FTSE 350 * acted for 107 of the FTSE 350 in 2004-5 * have over 55 offices and associated offices worldwide * have over 130 partners and more than 700 other fee-earners * employ 59% female staff * are a founding member of CMS – the alliance of independent European law firms

So what does RollOnFriday find so amusing? It seems that the CMS Cameron McKenna recruiting web site has a prominent flash animation banner that focuses on relationships. What kind of relationships? Ummm you decide. Just click the green banner at the top of this page and watch the animated version for a few minutes – then you tell me exactly how you interpret the information they are presenting to thier recruits. PUNCHLINE: Those who conceived this idea (no pun intended) likely had the best of intentions hoping to demonstrate that if you join CMS Cameron McKenna you will not be operating in isolation. Somehow, I think the execution may have distorted the orginal vision. What do you think?