I am honoured to have been invited once again to participate as a faculty member at the Managing Partner Forum Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, May 2-3, 2018. This year’s theme is “The Law Firm of the Future.”

One of the greatest values of this annual conference is the opportunity it offers to communicate with fellow managing partners. The two-day event is organized by firm size, which means that participants are able to talk to people who are facing similar issues to the ones they face in their own firms.

Even though I am on the faculty, I always learn a great deal from the participants and other faculty members at the MPF Leadership Conference. I look forward to seeing many managing partner friends again at this year’s event. If you are among those in attendance, please track me down and say “Hello!”

As always, I welcome your thoughts on this or any other matter related to the law, either in the comments section below or directly via email.