This article is derived from actual counseling sessions with managing partners who are operating under tremendous pressure and are doing the best they can to prioritize the the key elements of Remote Working.


  • financial viability
  • staff who were mainly office-related – receptionist, etc.
  • protecting existing relationships
  • care of staff and vendors
  • effectiveness at marketing

AACoverI was pleased to have been invited to contribute an article to the Jan/Feb 2015 edition of Administrator’s Advantage, the newsletter of the Greater Chicago Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators. In it, I outline some of the problems typically faced by managing partners in their work with firms’ administrative teams, and the

GARJan1415In 2013, Gregory Jordan left his position as managing partner at the international law firm Reed Smith to work as general counsel at PNC Financial. At a recent Law Firm Leaders Forum hosted by Thomson Reuters, he was invited to share his thoughts on effective law-firm management from his new perspective as general counsel to

The image above is the core of the post of internet phenom, Rajesh Setty, in his post today at Life Beyond Code: Optimists and Pessimists – The big difference is..

Couple that with the wisdom of lawyer and legal profession provocateur, Patrick Lamb, in his post today: Silver Lining in Black Economic Cloud? in which

Managing Partners, you may have a disaster plan for fire, perhaps for terrorism – do you have one for the economic train coming off the tracks?

Listen (and watch) what Greenspan said yesterday Sept 14th (50 seconds)

Punchline:  You are getting fair warning – are you acting on it?  This is not a time