From the Sacramento Business Journal today:

Law firm confidence index drops to record low


Confidence in the economy among managing partners at large law firms nationwide hit new lows in the first quarter, according to the latest research from the Citi Private Bank Law Firm Group in New York City.

I recommend three

"[Law] Firms in financial ‘intensive care’ told to merge, divest or restructure as cash dwindles from accounts"

OK, this is a UK story but so what!  What reason do we have to believe that law firms around the world will not encounter similar challenges (perhaps they already are but are keeping it between themselves and their bankers).

This is

The image above is the core of the post of internet phenom, Rajesh Setty, in his post today at Life Beyond Code: Optimists and Pessimists – The big difference is..

Couple that with the wisdom of lawyer and legal profession provocateur, Patrick Lamb, in his post today: Silver Lining in Black Economic Cloud? in which

Managing Partners, you may have a disaster plan for fire, perhaps for terrorism – do you have one for the economic train coming off the tracks?

Listen (and watch) what Greenspan said yesterday Sept 14th (50 seconds)

Punchline:  You are getting fair warning – are you acting on it?  This is not a time created a special report  from 12 experts in pricing  professional services, including, I am honoured to say, yours truly.  You can download my article:

"Think of Services in Terms of Value – Not Rates" by Gerry Riskin (author: The Successful Lawyer)

or download the entire 39 page report including all 12 articles by visiting

Law Professor William D. Henderson (click on photo for bio)

Managing Partners and law firm H.R. Executives should contemplate the meaning of Indiana University School of Law’s Prof. Bill Henderson’s post: "How the ‘Cravath System’ Created the Bi-Modal Distribution."

Professor Henderson builds on the work of NALP (The National Association for Law