Law Related Publications

AFS-LCI am delighted to recommend to you a new book by my esteemed colleague and friend, Patrick J. Lamb. Alternative Fees for Litigators and their Clients is published by the Law Practice Division of the American Bar Association.

Most law firms today are wrangling with issues related to alternative fee structures. Whether we want to


Chris Bull – Edge International partner and author of The Legal Process Improvement Toolkit  – is worried. He believes that law firms everywhere are failing to take sufficient notice of recent massive changes to consumer attitudes and technologies – changes that are already having a major impact on the practice of law. Bull

I am honoured to be in the esteemed company of the publishers and advisors of Attorney at Work that promises “One Really Good Idea Every Day”

There is no cost to subscribe and the ideas will flow starting in January.

I recommend that you subscribe now

Congratulations in particular to my long time friend, Merrilyn Tarlton who

We are very proud of our latest Edge International Review.    For a complete downloadable version (or just the articles you want) click on the cover or go to

If you have any questions , comments or suggestions, please shoot me a note.

(You can also check out our Edge International web site at

If your firm has offices in the Great Lakes Region (or is thinking of expanding into it) there is an unprecedented and unmatched comprehensive analysis available: “2010 Legal Market Analysis Great Lakes Region”

The report contains:

  • 115 pages of detailed factual competitive intelligence
  • 126 charts, graphs and illustrations
  • 8 States and 10 Metropolitan Areas
  • Information