AFS-LCI am delighted to recommend to you a new book by my esteemed colleague and friend, Patrick J. Lamb. Alternative Fees for Litigators and their Clients is published by the Law Practice Division of the American Bar Association.

Most law firms today are wrangling with issues related to alternative fee structures. Whether we want to change or not, client expectations demand that we make choices that will move us away from the traditional billable-hour approach. Deciding what new billing method(s) to implement in our various areas of practice can be difficult, and the implementation of them can bring a host of other challenges.

Patrick J. Lamb has thirty years of litigation experience to his credit, and has experimented with several forms of alternative fee structure. His book is a compendium of everything litigation lawyers should think about when they consider new fee structures, and offers practical advice on putting them into practice.

And as always, I encourage all law firms whose work includes litigation to check out Patrick’s book. I invite your feedback on this and any other subject either through the Comments section below, or directly via email.