Edge International Communiqué, December, 2015

I am pleased to draw the attention of readers of this blog to the most recent issue of Edge International Communiqué (EIC).

The issue features articles by two of my colleagues at Edge International, as well as one that I wrote. Nick Jarrett-Kerr offers advice on choosing effective law-firm leadership teams, and Mike White discusses some “closing” strategies that may help you give any “waffling” client prospects a bit of a nudge that could bring them into your fold.

In my article – “A Business Development Reality Check” – I imagine a world in which you could simply push a button and new clients with deep pockets would walk in off the street and offer you their business. Of course, that is just a fantasy, but the good news is that we all have the skills and power at our fingertips to bring about equivalent results –  as long as we are prepared to do the work. My article explains how.

Each month EIC publishes items of interest to lawyers around the world on various aspects of law-firm strategy, marketing, technology, management, economics, human relations and a host of other topics. In addition to the most recent edition, the Edge International site includes a sign-up page for those who are interested in subscribing to EIC, as well as a list of archived articles.

I welcome your thoughts and feedback on both Edge International Communique and Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices, either in the comments section below, or directly via email.