The December, 2016 issue of Edge International Communiqué (EIC) is now posted on the Edge International website.
The issue opens with an article by Sam Coupland, “Green Shoots Showing in Australia and New Zealand Legal Markets,” which presents some possible reasons for the recent uptick in profitability in legal markets in those countries, and projects what lies ahead.
In “Talent Retention: A Big Conundrum,” Bithika Anand examines the problems associated with the retention of legal talent in India, where competition for human assets is at an all-time high due to the increase in foreign investment, recent governmental policy changes, and widespread talk of economic liberalization. The retention problem is not unique to India, of course, and her suggestions on how to manage this issue make valuable reading for managers at all small- and medium-sized firms.
The issue concludes with Mike White’s latest article, “Build Conversational Momentum to Set the Table for the Pitch.” Mike points out that it is not an effective business-promotion tactic to simply introduce yourself to a prospective client and then launch into your promotional pitch. Instead, effective business builders develop a rapport with prospective clients using graduated steps that gradually move toward the goal of presenting particular their specific talents and expertise, and showing how they will benefit the prospective client.
Each month, EIC publishes items of interest to lawyers around the world on various aspects of law-firm strategy, marketing, technology, management, economics, human relations and a host of other topics. In addition to the most recent edition, the EIC site includes a sign-up page for those who are interested in subscribing to EIC, as well as a list of archived articles.
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