Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry — fired by Musharraf Saturday — in a phone call to a gathering of lawyers urged them to go to "every corner of Pakistan and give the message that this is the time to sacrifice."
This in the face of:
"Baton-wielding police fought with lawyers outside courthouses in Islamabad and Lahore again Tuesday, arresting dozens more as they enforced Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf’s crackdown on judicial activism."
The above from CNN Story: "Pakistan’s courts in lockdown"
The Canadian Bar Association has condemned Pakistan:
CBA Condemns Arrests of Lawyers in Pakistan and Calls for Return to Rule of Law
The American Bar Association (President) has this to say:
ABA President William H. Neukom Urges Restoration of Justice to Pakistani People
I have found nothing (yet) on the web site of The Law Society of England and Wales.
My view: When lawyers stand up to a dictator who suspends the rule of law, then it is the finest imaginable "judicial activism". If Musharraf’s actions are tolerated, say goodbye to liberty.