Sorry for offering the punchline in the title… but Yoda would be so proud (of Seth Godin)

Extract from Seth Godin’s blogpost: Won’t get fooled again 

If you catch yourself making a promise that’s been made before, stop. Don’t spend a lot of time and effort building credibility with this sort of promising, because

My Edge International partner, Jordan Furlong, has done a nice welcome piece on Pam Woldow already (at his Law 21 blog) but I thought I would echo that Edge International is so very proud and delighted to have her on board.

Also, thank you to friends who have joined us in congratulating Pam, like Valorem’s awesome founder

Nearly three decades ago, in the early days of Edge International, there was only one writer in the area of managing a professional firm that commanded our unqualified respect and attention. That was David Maister.

“Managing the Professional Services Firm” is the Bible, according to many leaders of some of the largest professional

Patrick Lamb is synonymous with Valorem Law Group which is a driving force in changing how legal services are valued and acquired. After learning that Jordan Furlong was joining us, here’s (an excerpt from) what he posted:

It’s like adding Wayne Gretzky in his prime to the team that already was the best team in

It is a proud day for all of us at Edge to add such a distinguished partner.  After law school, Jordan articled with one of Canada’s leading law firms and then opted for a career in legal journalism culminating with more than 10 years as editor-in-chief of the Canadian Bar Associations distinguished well respected National