Edge Survey,jpgEdge International is pleased to announce the release of its 2015 Global Partner Compensation System Survey, authored by Edge International partners Ed Wesemann and Nick Jarrett-Kerr. This is the fourth triennial survey that we have conducted (the first was published in 2006) with a view to gaining an understanding of differences in firms’ approaches

“There is a significant difference among countries in what law firms take into consideration in setting partner compensation.” – The Edge International 2012 Global Partner Compensation System Survey  

“There is a significant difference among countries in what law firms take into consideration in setting partner compensation.” –  Edge International 2012 Global Partner Compensation

The Wall Street Journal has a post called: Big-Law Associates Facing 2008 Salary Cap by Dan Slater.

Here is a key paragraph from that post from which my title was derived:

"We called around to firms to find out whether associate salaries, called economically-irrational in some quarters, have finally (or, at least, for now) hit

Supplemental to my post "Sharp Pin Approaching Associate Salary Balloon", my friend and Edge colleague Robert Millard has created a post which may impacts the context for discussing associate salaries.  He explains his title: America’s Two Legal Professions with the graphic above.  Read his post for a detailed explanation.  Sometimes critical change is too subtle