A special note to readers:


My esteemed Edge International colleague Nick Jarrett-Kerr has arranged a substantial discount (effective only until March 28, 2018) for readers of Edge International Communique (EIC) who wish to purchase the second edition of his bestselling book, Tackling Partner Underperformance (Ark Group, 2018). So if you’ve been meaning to subscribe to EIC –the Edge Group’s monthly newsletter with items of interest to lawyers around the world on various aspects of law-firm management – now is the perfect time to do it.

As Nick’s publisher, the Ark Group, points out, “The issue of underperformance at partner level remains incredibly agonising and sensitive in law firms.” Nick’s excellent book addresses contributing factors to and potential remedies for this difficult situation in chapters that range across topics such as “Clarifying and Managing Expectations of Partnership,” “Supporting and Rehabilitating Underperforming Partners,” “When Lateral Hires Fail,” “Communication and Conflict Resolution,” and many other pertinent topics. (See the book’s Executive Summary and Table of Contents for more detail.)

Nick Jarrett-Kerr is one of the leading UK and international specialist advisors to law firms and professional services companies worldwide on issues of strategy, governance and leadership development. Prior to becoming a consultant, he was the chief executive partner of Bevan Ashford, a leading firm in Great Britain, and he is currently a visiting professor at Nottingham Trent University, where he leads the strategy modules for the Nottingham Law School MBA.

To take advantage of this limited-time opportunity – which saves UK readers £50 and those in the US $100 – simply click on the link to subscribe to EIC. The most recent issue (March, 2018) contains all the information you will need to take advantage of this offer.

I welcome your thoughts and feedback on both Edge International Communique and Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices, either in the comments section below, or directly via email.