Benjamin Ford of Verrill Dana explains how his firm supports international entrepreneurism in the Arctic
Benjamin Ford of Verrill Dana explains how his firm supports international entrepreneurism in the Arctic
This is a superb example of a law firm looking at future legal needs in an entrepreneurial and imaginative way. This story is not about “the idea” but rather about “the execution of the idea.”
Watch this video (less than five minutes) to get a sense of how Ben Ford and Roger Clement, with the full support of managing partner K. C. Jones, have breathed life into a strategy to serve the legal needs of entrepreneurs and companies around the world that are working in the Arctic.
As a footnote, many people are not aware of the extent to which Portland, Maine is going to become a gateway to shipping patterns made possible by the melting ice. No one likes the idea of global warming – but if it’s a reality, it’s best to understand it and embrace its possibilities.
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