I am pleased to draw your attention to the May issue of Edge International Communiqué (EIC), recently published on the Edge International website.
The issue leads off with a welcome to the newest principals at Edge International, Sam Coupland and Neil Oakes, both of whom are also directors at FMRC, Australasia’s leading professional development consultancy. Their expertise combined with that of existing principal Sean Larkan provide Edge International with an unmatched ability to provide outstanding legal-services consultation to Australasian law firms.
In addition, the May, 2016 issue of EIC includes my article, “Five Things Lawyers Hate to Hear Clients Say.” Originally published in Attorney at Work and recently republished as part of the Attorney at Work “Friday Five Classic” series, “Five Things” offers a short course in avoiding prickly conversations with clients on topics that can often turn into hot spots – such as obtaining retainers, delegating work, talking about bills that are higher than estimates, etc. (By the way, Attorney at Work publishes “one really good idea” for lawyers every day, and I highly recommend that you subscribe to it.)
In third article in the May issue, Edge International principal David Cruickshank outlines some approaches large firms use to maximize the potential of associates who are on partnership trajectories (and also those who aren’t), and discusses how the same strategies may be adapted for use in small- to medium-sized firms.
Each month EIC publishes items of interest to lawyers around the world on various aspects of law-firm strategy, marketing, technology, management, economics, human relations and a host of other topics. In addition to the most recent edition, the Edge International site includes a sign-up page for those who are interested in subscribing to EIC, as well as a list of archived articles.
I welcome your thoughts and feedback on both Edge International Communique and Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices, either in the comments section below, or directly via email.