Screen Shot 2016-11-23 at 12.14.22 PMThe Second Edition of The Successful Lawyer: Powerful Strategies for Transforming Your Practice is now available in both paperback and Kindle versions.

Among the kudos the first edition of this book attracted was one from Tom Peters, the highly acclaimed writer on business-management practice and author of In Search of Excellence, who described

GARJan1415In 2013, Gregory Jordan left his position as managing partner at the international law firm Reed Smith to work as general counsel at PNC Financial. At a recent Law Firm Leaders Forum hosted by Thomson Reuters, he was invited to share his thoughts on effective law-firm management from his new perspective as general counsel to created a special report  from 12 experts in pricing  professional services, including, I am honoured to say, yours truly.  You can download my article:

"Think of Services in Terms of Value – Not Rates" by Gerry Riskin (author: The Successful Lawyer)

or download the entire 39 page report including all 12 articles by visiting