Last fall, a 150-year-old British corporate services provider and legal publishing company transformed itself into a licensed law firm thanks to permissive UK legislation. Jordan’s Ltd. successfully applied for an Alternative Business Structure license from the Solicitors Regulation Authority, allowing the company to add a corporate law division to its ongoing range of services in

I am delighted to announce that Edge International’s Bithika Anand, founder of India’s Legal League Consulting LLC, will host the first-ever management event for India’s legal industry to include both law firms and legal departments.

Presentation and discussion topics include strategies of firm governance, mergers and acquisitions, and dealing with an economic downturn.

The one-day

The October, 2012 issue of Edge International Communiqué is now available online.

The issue features timely articles by three of my partners at Edge International, and I am pleased to share their guidance with readers of Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices.

Ed Wesemann gives us five tips for putting on a law-firm partner retreat


Chris Bull – Edge International partner and author of The Legal Process Improvement Toolkit  – is worried. He believes that law firms everywhere are failing to take sufficient notice of recent massive changes to consumer attitudes and technologies – changes that are already having a major impact on the practice of law. Bull

I met virtually with Recorded Future this morning for a close up briefing of how their Temporal Analytics Engine might be used by law firms.  Firms who use this can better predict the needs of their own clients and prospective clients as well.   There is so much more that this technology can do if used effectively