Two recent, related articles announce the details of a $21m investment by growth equity investor Highland Europe in INCOPRO, a leading machine-learning brand and intellectual property protection business that was co-founded by the UK law firm Wiggin. INCOPRO will use the investment for “the development of its Talisman online brand protection technology to help businesses

Angela Angelovska-Wilson, DLx Law: Photo capture from ABA Journal

“Blockchain technology [has] captured the imaginations of startups, financial institutions and government agencies. Angela Angelovska-Wilson and Lewis Cohen are taking a gamble that the law is next.”

So begins an article by Jason Tashea entitled “New firm looks to embrace blockchain technology

If you have ever become flustered or agitated under pressure –  and who hasn’t? – you might want to read the profile of Franz-Joseph (FJ) Miller that was recently published on Inc. Miller is the founder and CEO of the time:matters Group, a “high-stakes logistics company” that prides itself on “perfect delivery, every time.”

How many law firms have the courage to publish their strategy for their clients?
At least one.
  • Firm highlights, including deals closed and aggregate value since 2014 (225/$200B), new litigation matters (3700 plus), number of new partners (9), new associates (5) and many others;
  • Strategic Plan, which sets out six

Jordan's CoverJordan Furlong has been a professional colleague and close friend for many years. His passion for understanding the legal profession is unmatched. Perhaps that’s why he is in demand to speak to prestigious organizations and firms throughout the world.