PUNCHLINE: If Social Media matters, then it matters to law firms because everything that matters to society in general must matter to law firms sooner or later. Watch this and make your own decision.
W Innovation
Wolfram Alpha from Steven Wolfram (a computational knowledge engine)
This is the most important technological breakthrough I’ve seen in 10 years. The fact that it was not designed specifically for the legal profession should not deter you from availing yourself of this resource starting NOW.
Google is amazing… Wolfram Alpha transcends it. Try it out !
WATCH THIS DEMO – 13 minutes that will change…
Say something important and relevant and people will listen
Jan. 14 (Bloomberg) — The week after Bernard Madoff was charged with running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme, Proskauer Rose, a New York firm of 750 lawyers, offered a telephone briefing on the scandal for its wealthy clients. With only a day’s notice, 1,300 Madoff investors dialed in.
“This is a financial 9/11 for…
How Optimistic Law Firm Leaders Might React to Wall Street
The image above is the core of the post of internet phenom, Rajesh Setty, in his post today at Life Beyond Code: Optimists and Pessimists – The big difference is..
Couple that with the wisdom of lawyer and legal profession provocateur, Patrick Lamb, in his post today: Silver Lining in Black Economic Cloud? in which…
Lehman Liquidation? Merrill Acquisition? Greenspan: “worst economy I’ve ever seen”?
Managing Partners, you may have a disaster plan for fire, perhaps for terrorism – do you have one for the economic train coming off the tracks?
Listen (and watch) what Greenspan said yesterday Sept 14th (50 seconds)
Punchline: You are getting fair warning – are you acting on it? This is not a time…
When Better Service Is a Bad Thing
What is your initial reaction to the title of this blog post? I thought it was daft… until I read the complete post by Susan Cramm on June 25, 2008 on her Harvard Business Blog: Having IT Your Way.
Here is an excerpt from her blog post:
Over the past decade, IT organizations have worked
“once-in-a-lifetime” – Valorem Law Group
As Nicole Nehama Auerbach joins Valorem, she says:
“I saw Valorem as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to really make a difference in the way litigation is handled… I was captivated by the firm’s commitment to provide real value to business clients, and, in particular, its emphasis on alternative fees. Alternative fees are more important than ever
Answer Your Outsourcing Questions
Answer Your Outsourcing Questions
- Why do some corporations and law firms outsource legal work while others do not?
- What ethical issues arise in outsourcing legal services?
- Who is doing the outsourced work and what qualifications do they have?
- What type of legal work is being outsourced? What are the concerns regarding the outsourcing of patent
click on image for larger view
LOGITHISER – a new term for law firms
The Logical Empathiser. The accepted wisdom is that anyone who possesses great reason and logic is quite devoid of humanity and warmth. The Logithiser is living proof that wisdom, in this case, is fallacy. Yes, Logithisers are capable of shutting down
Leaders: Genuine Inspiration from Sir Richard Branson
Is the UK’s wealthiest man also its wisest? If you have about 1/2 hour to sit in on a fascinating conversation with Sir Richard, head over to Adventures in Strategy, my Edge colleague and friend, Robert Millard’s blog post: Richard Branson on Life, Succeeding in Business and Everything
(Recorded March 2007 in Monterey, California. Duration:…